Wednesday 9 June 2010

When people hurt my friends...

I will hurt them.

Miss Harrison - the only criticism that you should ever listen to is that of your best friends - after all they are the people who know you best and are best qualified to pass judgements on you. Right now, I have nothing to criticise. Therefore you should ignore the words of certain others. They may be angry, and they have the right to feel that way; they DO NOT have the right to make you feel like you feel at the moment. You are worth so much more than that xoxo

Monday 15 March 2010


Go fuck your mum in a pothole in Yorkshire you arrogant two faced slut.
I do not like you. Not many people do. No-one does.  How about you move away like you were fucking supposed to.
I'm so frustrated with you right now.

Sunday 14 March 2010

A mute testimony to the life I used to own.

"The trouble with our times is that the future is not what it used to be" - Paul Valery.
Am I scared of the everchanging future? Hell yes, I have to spend the rest of my life in the future!

But living for the future does not mean that I am willing to forget the past.

I know not what my future holds, but I know that I am the one who holds it...

So no more living in the past.
Let the new memories begin...

A hangover is the wrath of grapes...

I wish every night was a night like this.

With friends like these...
And strangers like this...

Though when I am drunk I do wish that my friends wouldn't let me wear silly plastic glasses...

Or hold a knife to someones throat, in punishment for leaving me to clear up their sick...
Never fear, when having consumed so much alcohol that by morning, the memories are faded, blurry or forgotten... Lucy and Kit are around with a camera to capture every second...

Let the memories of our youth live on...

Wearing the same red heart...

my soul picked up hitchhiking

off highway serendipity.
What is love without the knowledge of love?

Saturday 13 March 2010

"Nothing tastes as good as good as skinny feels"...

Well I have been on a crap diet for ages... and dieting isn't fun...

Right now as I sit with a margerita pizza before me I have to say that I disagree with Kate Moss...
Nothing Tastes as good as pizza :)

Nom Nom Nom...

May regret it tomorrow though!

There are no shortcuts to happiness...

But for me, dancing comes pretty darn close to one. Everyone has miserable days. They are unavoidable. A resolution; to always look for the positives.

Maybe if I am happier I can bring more happiness into the lives of others around me - some of them need more positive influences... I should stop being such a misery guts!